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Scientific committee

Structure and Organization of the Prize

Currently the Prize has a symbolic value and consists of a gold reproduction of the ancient Amalfi currency, the “Tarì”. The awarding of the Prize is decided by a Scientific Committee whose members are Proff.:

  • Carlo Mongardini (coordinatore)
  • Alessandro Cavalli
  • Gerard Delanty
  • Salvador Giner
  • Michel Maffesoli
  • Hans-Peter Müller
  • Karl-Siegbert Rehberg
  • Richard Sennett
  • Piotr Sztompka
  • Michel Wieviorka

During the past editions M. Archer, A. Giddens, P. Gerlich, J. Israel, B. Nedelmann, H. Nowotny and F. H. Tenbruck have been members of the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Committee decides to award the Prize by majority on the base of a list of works proposed by almost 150 professors from different European countries. The referendum is held every year during the month of October. The almost 150 professors from different European countries are asked to mention noteworthy works published during the former two years.