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European Amalfi Prize

History of the Prize and Prize Winners

Presented in 1987 in Amalfi, during a Meeting on “Robert K. Merton’s Work and Contemporary Sociology”, the Prize held its first edition in May 1988. In some editions the Prize has been suspended, whereas in others the Scientific Committee decided not to award the Prize.

The Prize Winners are (the year indicated is the one of the publication of the essay):

1987 Norbert Elias, Die Gesellaschaft der Individuen (Suhrkamp Verlag)

1988 Serge Moscovici, La machine à faire des dieux (Fayard)

1989 Zygmunt Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust (Polity Press) / Michel Wieviorka, Société et terrorisme (Fayard) – Premio Speciale Bulzoni Editore

1990 Ranier M. Lepsius and Wolfgang Mommsen, Max Weber Briefe 1906-1908 (Mohr) / Nicole Lapierre, Le silence de la mémoire (Plon) – Premio Speciale Bulzoni Editore

1991 Louis Dumont, L’ideologie allemande (Gallimard) / Philippe Sarasin, Die Stadt der Bürger (Helbing & Lichtenhanhan) – Premio Speziale Bulzoni Editore;

1992 Prize not awarded / Carlo Trigilia, Sviluppo senza autonomia (Il Mulino) – Premio Speciale del Comitato

1994 Prize suspended

1995 Charles Tilly, European Revolutions (1942 – 1992) (Blackwell), Cristoph Braun, Max Weber Musiksoziologie (Laaber) – Premio Speciale del Comitato

1996 Raymond Boudon, Le juste et le vrai (Fayard) / François Furet, Le passé d’une illusion (Robert Laffont/Calmann – Levy) / Peter-Ulrich Merz-Benz, Tiefsinn und Scharfism : Ferdinand Toennies’ begriffliche Konstitution der Sozialwelt (Suhrkamp)

1997 Prize suspended

1998 Niklas Luhmann, Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft (Suhrkamp) – per la Sezione “Classici della Sociologia Contemporanea” / Martin Albrow, The Global Age (Polity Press) – per la Sezione “Nuove Prospettive nelle Scienze Sociali”

1999 Alain Touraine, Comment sortire du liberalisme (Fayard) – per la Sezione « Classici della Sociologia Contemporanea » / Richard Sennet, The Corrosion the Character (Norton & Co.) – per la Sezione “Nuove Prospettive nelle Scienze Sociali” / Serge Latouche – Premio Speciale “Luigi Sturzo” per gli Studi politici / David Lepoutre – Premio Speciale “Norbert Elias” per un’opera prima

2000 Prize suspended

2001 Shmuel N. Eisenstadt, Fundamentalism, Sectarianism and Revolution. The Jacobin Dimension of Modernity (Cambridge University Press) per la Sezione “Classici della Sociologia Contemporanea” / John B. Thompson, Political Scandal. Power and Visibility in the Media Age (Polity Press) per la Sezione “Nuove Prospettive nelle Scienze Sociali” / Michael Th. Greven, Die politische Gesellschaft. Kontingenz und Dezision als Probleme des Regierens und der Demokratie (Leske & Budrich) – Premio Speciale “Luigi Sturzo“ per gli Studi politici / Wilbert Van Vree, Meetings, Manners and Civilisation. The Development of Modern Meeting Behaviour (Leicester University Press) – Premio Speciale “Norbert Elias” per un’opera prima

2002 Prize suspended

2003 The Scientific Committee decided not to award the price

2004 Prize suspended

2005 European Amalfi Prize: “A book for Europe 2005”: Suzanne Keller, Community (Princeton University Press)

2006 European Amalfi Prize “A book for Europe 2006”: Sergio Fabbrini, L’America e i suoi critici (il Mulino).

2007 Prize suspended

2008 European Amalfi Prize “A book for Europe 2008”: Pierre Rosanvallon, La contre-démocratie (Seuil)

2009 Prize suspended

2010 Juan Linz, per la Sezione “Classici della Sociologia Contemporanea” / European Amalfi Prize “A book for Europe 2010”: Gérald Bronner, La pensée extrême (Denoël)

2011 Prize suspended

2012 Prize suspended

2013 Prize suspended

2014 Prize suspended

2015 Prize suspended