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European Amalfi Meetings


The Prize is awarded every year the last week of May, in Amalfi, on the occasion of an International Conference (Amalfi European Meetings), devoted to one of the important subjects of European society and culture.

Publications of the European Meetings Proceedings

The proceedings of the European Amalfi Meetings have been published in the following books (in each of them is also included the Lecture every awarded scholar has given during the Prize-giving ceremony), issued by Bulzoni Editore in the Series: European Amalfi Meetings:

List of the books

Modern and Postmodern. A Cultural Identity Crisis and the Role of Sociology
The book includes contributions of: P. Atteslander, Z. Bauman, M. Corsale, F. Crespi, P. Donati, M. Featherstone, J. Israel, M. Livolsi, M. Maffesoli, M. L. Maniscalco, C. Mongardini, B. Nedelmann, P. Sztompka.

Modern Europe and the Idea of Revolution
The book includes contributions of: L. Cavalli, M. Corsale, M. Featherstone, P. Gerlich, M. Kogan, M. Maffesoli, M. L. Maniscalco, C. Mongardini, S. Moscovici, B. Nedelmann, L. Pellicani, G. Poggi, P. Sztompka, A. Touraine.

Two Dimension of Society. Utility and Morality
The book includes contributions of: F. Alberoni, J. C. Alexander, P. Atteslander, Z. Bauman, L. Bovone, A. Cavalli, M. Corsale, F. Crespi, P. Donati, J. Israel, D. N. Levine, M. Maffesoli, C. Mongardini, S. Moscoviti, H. Pross, E. K. Scheuch, J. Weiss.

Europe, Nation and State on the Threshold of the 21st Century
The book includes contributions of: Z. Bauman, E. Bodzenta, F. Crespi, M. Featherstone, P. Fougeyrollas, L. Gallino, P. Gerlich, U.Gerhardt, M. Maffesoli, W. J. Mommsen, C. Mongardini, E. Morin, T. V. Sathyamurthy, P. Sztompka, A. Touraine, M. L. Volcansek, J. Weiss, E. Zahn, A. Zingerle.

Religio. The Role of the Sacred, Social Cohesion and New Forms of Solidarity in Contemporary Sociology
The book includes contributions of: J. C. Alexander, B. Barber, T. R. Burns, F. Crespi, E. Di Nallo, L. Dumont, P. Gerlich, S. Giner, J. Goudsblom, H. J. Helle, H. G. Kippenberg, V. Meja, C. Mongardini, B. Nedelmann, L. Sciolla, A. Segal, N. Stehr, J. B. Thompson, J. Weiss, S. Zoppi.

The Individual and the Market
The book includes contributions of: T. R. Burns, E. Di Nallo, V. Frosini, M. Jarvad, H. Joas, A. Leijonhufvud, H. Nowotny, G.Poggi, M. L. Volcansek.

The Transformation of Politics
The book includes contributions of: K. Acham, P. Atteslander, M. Bolle de Bal, M. Carrilho, M. Corsale, V. Della Sala, M. Diani, P. Donati, V. Frosini, J. Israel, A. Izzo, G.Marramao, C. Mongardini, B. Nedelmann, L. Pellicani, G. Pirzio Ammassari, K. S. Rehberg, P. Tacussel, C. Tilly, E. Topisch, J. Weiss, M. Wieviorka.

Money in Modern Culture
The book includes contributions of: R. Boudon, T. R. Burns, A: Caillé, N. Dodd, P. Gerlich, M. Gorin, M. Maffesoli, V. Mathieu, S. Moscovici, J. Weiss, V. A. Zelizer.

The Ideological Conditions of our Time
The book includes contributions of: M. Albrow, Z. Bauman, G. Delanty, S. Giner, J. Goudsblom, H. Korte, C. Mongardini, S. Moscoviti, H. P. Müller, L. Pellicani, K. S. Rehberg, J. Weiss.

Old and New Élites
The book includes contributions of: G. Aliberti, P. Atteslander, P. Donati, R. Friedland, P. Gerlich, S. Keller, S. Memel, H. P. Müller, P. Tacussel, J. Weiss, W. Wesolowski.

The Birth of an European Conscience
The book includes contributions of: L. Boia, A. Cavalli, Ch. M. Haar, M. Jarvad, K. S. Rehberg, J. Weiss.

The Civilization of Global Communication
The book includes contributions of: M. N. Antonopoulou, S. N. Antonopoulou, P. Atteslander, V. Cotesta, P. Donati, S. Lash, D. Le Breton, H. P. Müller, J. Niznick, K. S. Rehberg, J. – B. Renard, P. Tacussel, J. B. Thompson.

The Sociology of the future
The book includes contributions of: P. Donati, A. Milanaccio, R. Hettlage, H. P. Müller, P. Atteslander, S. Andrini, J. Weiss, P. Tacussel, M. N. Antonopoulou, M. Corsale, P. De Nardis.

Governing the new global order
The book includes contributions of: S. H. Barnes, K. Eder, L. Leontidou, M. Volcansek, P. Donati, T.H. Greven, S. Piattoni, U. Triulzi, S. Nenci, A. Cavalli, J. Weiss, S. Fabbrini, H. P. Müller, N. Salamone.

The spirit of Contemporary capitalism
The book includes contributions of: M. Bach, S.H. Barnes, F. Ferrarotti, S. Giner, T.H. Greven, R. Hettlage, P. Jedlowski, S. Keller, C. Mongardini, H. P. Müller, K. S. Rehberg, J. Subirats, A. Touraine.

The sense of the Constitutions
The book includes contributions of: D. Fisichella, P. Häberle, K. S. Rehberg, J. Weiss, P. Donati, R. Friedland, A. Abudayeh, M. Corsale, A. Febbrajo, S. Andrini, G. Stoica, M. Stoica, H. P. Müller, M. Bach, M.S. Corciulo.

Europe as an idea and as a project
The book includes contributions of: A. Cavalli, S. Andrini, R. Hettlage, P. De Nardis, U. Triulzi, A. Febbrajo, I. Schütz-Müller, G. Stoica.

On democracy. Reality and images in contemporary world
The book includes contributions of: G. Schwan, L. Bonanate, C. Mongardini, T.H. Greven, P. Sztompka, Y. Sintomer, G. Ferreol, G.Bettin Lattes, S. Keller, J. Subirats, A. Abudayeh, P.Rosanvallon.

Crisis or decadence of western culture?
The book includes contributions of: N. J. Smelser, J. Spurk, P. Sztompka, H. P. Müller, P. Atteslander, J. L. Garcia, K. S. Rehberg, A. D’Orsi, S. Fabbrini, P. Gerlich, M. Fuster, J. Subirats, A. Molnar, G. Bronner.