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Visiting from April 14 to May 15 2016


Professor of
Labour Law and Social Security 

Department of Labor Law and Social Security
University of Seville (Spain)
Phone: 954556891- 955420026
Web site

Curriculum Vitae

Law degree from the University of Seville. Specialty Business Law.  Promotion 1988-1993.

Doctor in Law from1997. Thesis title: The joint collective bargaining labour and civil service staff in Public Administration. Qualification: Apto Cum Laude by Unanimity

Positive Valuation by the National Commission of Research Activity (CNAI) research of three sections: First six years: 1996-2001; Second presidential term: 2002-2007; Third presidential term: 2008-2013.

ViceDean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Labour Sciences at the University of Seville.

Member of the Board of Center Faculty of Economics and member of the Board of Center School of Labour Sciences at the University of Seville.

Course Director Advanced Labour Law and Social Security for Postgraduates organized by the Centre for Continuing Training of the University of Seville and International University of Andalusia.

Visiting from April 12 to May 13 2016


Associate Professor
Latin, Roman Civilization and Literature 

Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies
Faculty of Arts and Letters
University of Havana, 
San Lázaro y L, Colina Universitaria, Plaza de la Revolución   
La Habana 10400 
Telephone (Office): 0053-78322757
Web site

(Ph.D., La Habana, 2013) is an Associate Professor with research interests in Latin language, literature, civilization and archaeology and modern and ancient Greek translation. Professor Fernández Campos teaches graduate and postgraduate courses in Latin, Roman Civilization and Literature. She is also Vice President of the International Relationships Office at the University of Havana.

Visiting from 1st July to 15th August 2016


Professor of
Law and Government 

Department of Law and Government
School of Law & Government
Dublin City University
Telephone (Office): +35317005895
Web site

Curriculum Vitae

Robert Elgie is the Paddy Moriarty Professor of Government and International Studies. He gained a First Class Honours degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oriel College, Oxford University in 1987. He graduated with a PhD in Government from the London School of Economics, in 1991. Since this time, he has published more than 40 articles in international refereed journals, as well as four single-authored monographs, two co-authored books, seven edited and co-edited books, and more than 30 book chapters. He is the editor of the journal French Politics. He is the Review Editor for the journal Government and Opposition. He is also the lead co-editor of the prestigious Oxford Handbook of French Politics to be published by Oxford University Press. He has received funding on four occasions from the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences, including a Senior Research Fellowship for 2009-2010 totalling ?107,308. He has supervised numerous PhD students to successful completion. Robert Elgie is well known for his work on semi-presidentialism and his definition of the concept has been adopted as the scientific standard. His most recent book on this topic is Semi-Presidentialism published by Oxford University Press in 2011. He has also published extensively on political leadership and French politics. His work has received considerable external recognition. Twice he has been asked to brief the UK Ambassador designate to France (Sir John Holmes in 2001 and Sir Peter Westmacott in 2007). His invited talks include presentations at the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania, the Economic Policy Research Foundation Of Turkey, the United Nations Institute for Social Development (Geneva), and Taiwan Thinktank. He is also a member of the network of experts on the Constitution Building Processes (CBP) Programme at International IDEA. In April 2012 he was formally asked to provide a briefing report on Constituent Assembly of Nepal's proposed system of government. In January 2013 he was asked to give an expert presentation to the Convention on the Constitution for the proposed reforms to the presidency of Ireland.

Visiting from July 13 to Semptember 13 2016


Professor of
Derecho administrativo 

Departamento de Derecho Público y de la Empresa
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Telephone (Office):
(34) 967599200 - 2137
Web site

Curriculum Vitae

Josefa Martínez Cantero is Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). She is president of the association Juristas de la Salud (Jurists of Health, and secretary of the Master's Degree in Health Law and Bioethics at the University of Castilla-La Mancha ( ).
She is Principal Investigator (PI) of the MINECO project entitled "La asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza en la Unión Europea. Nuevos retos y desafíos para una gestión sostenible y para la cooperación sanitaria entre Estados", DER2014-55501-R. Duration: January 2015-December 2017.
An expert on the civil service, administrative organization, health law, social rights, health provision, cross-border healthcare liberalization etc, she is a researcher at the Centre for European Studies of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (
She teaches at the Faculty of Law of Albacete. She obtained a PhD in Law (European research doctorate) in 1999 from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. In 1998 she graduated from the Academy of European Public Law with a dissertation entitled "Los modelos europeos de la Función Pública: España, Francia e Italia". European Public Law Organization (EPLO).

Visiting on October 2016


Associate Professor

Department of Geography
Social Sciences Division
University of California, Los Angeles
1255 Bunche Hall
Box 951524
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Telephone (Office): 3108253727
Web site

Curriculum Vitae

(Ph.D., Colorado, 1998) is an Associate Professor with research interests in geographic information systems (GIS), political geography, globalization and Italy. Professor Shin teaches courses in GIS, cartography and geographic data visualization, and is Director of the UCLA Program in Geospatial Information Systems & Technology. "