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“Robert Elgie” Brown Bag Seminars on Politics

Observatory on presidentialisation
Sapienza - Dublin City University

The Department of Political Sciences and the Observatory on Presidentialisation organize a weekly onehour and half seminar. The speakers are both junior and senior scholars wishing to present their ongoing project.

The Brown Bag Seminars represent a unique opportunity to share scholars’ ongoing research activities with their colleagues within an informal framework. On the bases of previous consolidated experiences, both in European and American universities, the Brown Bag Seminars proved to be a unique opportunity to learn from others’ ongoing research activities as well as of receiving precious feedbacks on one’s current work. In particular, the Seminars devote its sessions to the graduate students, and PhD students of the Department and of other Universities as an experience of dealing with the research, publication, and dissemination from different perspectives. The Seminars – starting from a comparative approach – are open to all the disciplines of social sciences who work on politics adopting both quantitative and qualitative methods. The Seminars aim to contribute to the debate on the evolution and changes of Politics in all its forms in contemporary democracies. The Seminars are intended to host scholars willing to present their original pieces of research, and to discuss with colleagues at different stages of their careers, who can benefit from training on social sciences research activities. This exchange offers an opportunity to share empirical research findings and to confront ideas with colleagues.

Each seminar lasts about one hour and half (a presentation of 45 minutes leaving ample time for Q&A, and comments). Each seminar's classroom will be on its poster.

Date: from March 12 to April 30 2025.

Location: Department of Political Sciences (see here for classroom)



Gianluca Passarelli

Organizing Committee:

Gabriele Natalizia

Chiara Fiorelli

Lorenzo Termine


Gabriele Natalizia

Chiara Fiorelli

Lorenzo Termine