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Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023


Sapienza commemorates January 27, the day on which the gates of Auschwitz were torn down, with a series of events on the Shoah, Italian racial laws, persecution and deportation.

On 26 January at 11.30 am the Rectorate Building's Aula degli Organi collegiali will be hosting the conference L'Università di Roma e le leggi razziali del 1938  (The University of Rome and the racial laws of 1938). As part of the work, an online platform will be presented with documentation on the anti-Semitic policy and the expulsion of Jewish citizens from the University of Rome due to the racial laws of 1938. The contribution on a historiographical level is relevant because Sapienza, Italy's largest university and the flagship of the fascist regime, constitutes a case study of primary importance. At the end of the first session, a commemorative plaque will be unveiled in the Rectorate Building's Aula Magna "to the women and men of the University of Rome who were victims of the racial laws, the anti-Jewish persecution and the indifference of so many".

The event will be livestreamed.