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CSB – Cultural Studies in Business


CSB, Cultural Studies in Business is a K2 Strategic Partnership in Higher Education proposed by a consortium coming from the “Erasmus+ Macro Region”.  The Project provides for the exchange of good practices between partner universities, training periods for teachers and young researchers, workshops and public events.
The main object of CSB Project is to design an innovative European Curriculum in Economics, Social Science and Humanities.
CSB Project previews the realization of three main intellectual outputs:

  •  An in-depth analysis of the status quo in the “Erasmus Plus Region“ of Higher Education Curricula in the field of Economic studies; 
  •  A pilot curriculum to be implement and tested during a period of six months.
  • The launch of an on-line “International Journal of Cultural Studies in Business“.

The Department of Political Sciences is the Project Coordinator (Coordinator: Prof.ssa Maria Cristina Marchetti). The other partners are: 

Euro College Kumanovo (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)
Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas (Lithuania)
University of Split (Croatia)
Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal)
ShLUJ “Wisdom University” (Albania)
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