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Sapienza Open Days, XXV edition - 12th, 13th and 14th of July 2021


The yearly Sapienza Open Days is the most important event dedicated to future freshmen. During the three days of orientation, more than 10.000 high school students meet professors and other students, receive information, attend presentations about the didactic offer, and register for the admission tests of the degree programs. The XXV edition will be held in the days 12th, 13th and 14th of July 2021.

The degree programme presentations of the Faculties will take place in a blended mode. Students will be able to follow them in person, by booking their spot in the main auditorium Aula Magna, or in streaming through this page.

Meetings with professors, academic staff and tutors will be held in Zoom rooms dedicated to degree programs the these will be accessible from this page (see the “Zoom rooms” tab). We are looking forward to see you there!

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