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Visiting from 21st September to 21st December 2015


Professor of
Labour Law and Social Security 

Department of Labour Law and Social Security
Faculty of Law
University Granada
Plaza de la Universidad s/n
Granada, 18001
Telephone (Office): 958249718


Curriculum Vitae

Mª Teresa Díaz Aznarte, Professor of Labour Law and Social Security of the University of Granada. Graduate in Law (1991) and Doctor (2000) with unanimously distinction grade cum laude. Master’s degree in Labour Relations (1992) and Master’s degree (Superior Technician) in Workplace Risk Prevention (2006). In 1992 she obtained a grant for teachers and researchers training from the Ministry of Education and Science. She joined the faculty of the University of Granada during the school year 1994/1995. She belongs to the research group SEJ-184 Labour Law, Labour Relations and Social Security. Since the school year 2008/2009 she is Director of the Inter-university Master in Studies and Social Intervention in Immigration, Development and At-risk Population.
The professor Díaz Aznarte has participated in different research projects, both as a collaborator researcher and as a main researcher. Therefore she has taken part in the following projects:
The European Strategy for Employment and the national policies of social-professional insertion.
Employment policies in the autonomic State and in the European Union.
The implementation of the Law of Measures for Comprehensive Protection against gender violence. A multidisciplinary analysis.
The legal protection of people in dependency status.
The widow’s pension. A necessary reform regarding the changing of familiar structures.
Practical aspects of social protection of foreign population.
Currently she is a main researcher in the project “Current challenges of Spanish health assistance in the context of the European Union).
Her main lines of research are:
Women and work. Gender equality, conciliation of work and private life in the context of the job contract.
Workplace risk prevention. Specially vulnerable groups: minors, part-time workers, women with maternity situations.
Protection for death and survival in the Spanish Social Security system.
Health system social benefits in the Spanish public system.
Unstable or not declared job from a gender perspective.
Non-community foreigners in unstable administrative situation. Social protection.
She has had several research stays in foreign Universities, among them there should be highlight the ones developed in the Faculty of Law of La Sapienza (invited by Professor Gino Giugni) in 1992 and in 2013 (along with the Professors Franco Liso and Paola Bozzao), the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Chile (2006, invited by Professor Francisco Tapia), the Faculty of Law of Buenos Aires University (along with Professor Mario Ackerman) in 2006 and 2013, the Faculty of Law of the University Inca Garcilaso de la Vega at Lima, in 2009.
Nowadays her stay in La Sapienza, University of Rome (from 21st September to 21st December 2015) is bound to the development of a research project for visiting teachers, which will be carried out together with the Doctor Paola Bozzao, Professor of Labour Law and Social Security. The project is called “The defence of the equality policies in time of crisis. Equality as an essential and undeniable element in the democratic model of industrial relationships”.

Visiting from September 15, 2015 to January 25, 2016

Professor of
Political Actors and Behaviour I
Political Analysis I


Department of Social Sciences
University Carlos III
Edificio Carmen Martín Gaite
Calle Madrid, 126
Getafe 28913
Telephone (Office): 18.2.E.06


Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Pedro Riera is assistant professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid. After finishing his PhD at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) under the supervision of Profs. Mark Franklin and José Ramón Montero, he moved to Glasgow (UK) to teach at the University of Strathclyde. Riera’s research deals with electoral systems and voting behaviour. He is currently working on a book manuscript entitled “Changing the Rules of the Game: On the Determinants and Consequences of Electoral Reforms in Contemporary Democracies”.

In 2015, Riera has published articles in three top international journals. In “The International Diffusion of Electoral Systems: The Spread of Mechanisms Tempering Proportional Representation across Europe” (published in European Journal of Political Research with Damien Bol and Jean­Benoit Pilet), they analyze how national legislators are more likely to adopt two electoral features that seek to limit party system fragmentation under proportional representation – low district magnitudes and high electoral thresholds – when a large number of peer countries have made similar choices within the last two or three years. In 2015, he has also published a piece in West European Politics titled “Economy, Type of Government, and Strategic Timing of Elections: Calling Opportunistic Early Elections in OECD Democracies” about how good economic outcomes lead incumbents to voluntarily seek re­election at an earlier time. Finally, he has recently published an article in Political Science Research and Methods (published with Elias Dinas and Nasos Roussias and awarded the prize to the best article published in that journal) which shows that entering the parliament increases parties’ vote shares in the next election.

Riera has also published articles in other international and Spanish journals dealing with political science. Recent publications include articles in Political Behavior, Party Politics, and the International Political Science Review, among others. He will spend a term in La Sapienza thanks to a fellowship of the “José Castillejo” Programme for research stays in foreign countries awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Riera has been a visiting scholar at New York University in 2011, and the University of California (San Diego) between 2007 and 2009. In 2009 and 2013, Riera received the awards to the best chapter in a book and the best paper in a conference, respectively, by the Spanish Political Science Association. He has given presentations at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (SUM, Florence) and the Institute of Economic Analysis (CSIC, Barcelona), among others.

Riera has attended summer schools at the University of California (Berkeley), the University of Michigan (ICPSR, Ann Arbor), and the University of Essex (Social Science Data Analysis, UK). 

He serves as manuscript reviewer for several journals, and is the author (with José Ramón Montero) of the Report on the Reform of the Electoral System (December 2008) presented to the Consejo de Estado.

Visiting from September 15, 2014 to December 15, 2014

Professor of
Japanese Politics and Policy-making
Phone: (858) 534-8175
Fax: (858) 534-3939
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0519






Krauss is a leading expert on Japanese politics, and on U.S.-Japan relations. In 2010, Cornell University Press published his latest book, co-authored with Robert Pekkanen of the University of Washington, The Rise and Fall of Japan's LDP: Political Party Organizations as Institutions.

In 2004, Krauss published a co-edited book with T.J. Pempel, UC Berkeley, Beyond Bilateralism: U.S.-Japan Relations in the New Asia Pacific (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004), which analyzes how recent trends in the Asia-Pacific over the past decade-and-a-half have reshaped the U.S.-Japan relationship. In 2000, he published a book titled Broadcasting Politics in Japan: NHK and Television News (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000), about NHK, Japan's mammoth public broadcaster, and its relationship to and consequences for Japanese politics. It was subsequently translated into Japanese with a new introduction and published in 2006 as NHK vs. Seiji by Toyo Keizai Press, a noted Japanese publisher.

Krauss has written and edited many other books, and he has also published numerous articles in professional journals dealing with political science and Asian Studies. Recent publications include articles in the in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies and the British Journal of Political Science. Krauss has also published articles on contemporary issues in policy journals such as Survival and Orbis.

Krauss, Matt Shugart of IR/PS, and Robert Pekkanen have recently received a half-million-dollar three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to study electoral reform and non-reform consequences on political parties’ candidate, party, parliamentary, and government appointment strategies in eight countries (Japan, New Zealand, Ukraine, Bolivia, U.K., Germany, Lithuania and Portugal).

In 2011, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Bologna, Italy and in 2008, 2003 and 2001, he was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, U.K. In 2011, Krauss received a National Library of Australia Fellowship to study post-war prime ministerial leadership in Japan in Canberra in 2012, and in 2008 a Japan Foundation Fellowship also to study the changing role of Japan’s prime minister. He also has given a presentation at the Japan Political Science Association annual meeting on the topic of the study of Japanese politics in the U.S. Krauss was named Distinguished Lecturer of the Association for Asian studies in 1992-1993.

He has received a Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars fellowship for research in residence and was twice a Fulbright Fellow in Japan. He has been a visiting scholar at several Japanese universities, including the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Keio University, and Gakushuin University. Krauss serves on the advisory boards of several journals and important committees of national organizations in the field of Asian studies. Krauss joined IR/PS in 1995.