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Student Ombudsperson

Students are full members of the university community. The university works at all levels to promote their right to education, their physical and intellectual development, to favour their insertion into society and facilitate their academic career.

Student rights and duties are regulated by the Student Charter of Rights, drafted by a commission that includes students, approved by the Academic Senate.

Article 6 of the Sapienza Statute calls for a Student Ombudsperson, both at the university and faculty levels, who has the authority and duty to present issues and limitation of student rights, even upon student requests.

The Student Ombudsperson periodically meets the Faculty Ombudsperson and has the authority to consult student representatives working in single bodies and the university representative, if necessary. The Student Ombudsperson reports every six months to the Rector and the Academic Senate.

Did you know that as a student, you have representatives? They are students like you who choose to commit themselves to bringing educational and organisational issues to the attention of our academic staff and institutional figures. The university is an opportunity to experience active participation in institutional life: watch the video (in Italian) "Faccio rappresentanza perché" made by the student reps.

Student Ombudsperson
Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication
Prof. Luca Salmieri

University Ombudsperson
Prof. Giuseppe Familiari